Wednesday, 13 January 2010

brussels sprouts growing

brussels-sprouts Named after the city of Brussels, Brussels sprouts were first made popular in Belgium, where they've been grown since about 1200. The sprouts are buds that grow in the axils of each leaf. They look like tiny...

stock photo : Brussel sprouts
stock photo : Brussel sprouts

brussels sprouts growing
brussels sprouts growing

and eat brussel sprouts.
and eat brussel sprouts.

How to Grow Brussel Sprouts
How to Grow Brussel Sprouts

Growing Brussels Sprouts
Growing Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts grow in a
Brussels sprouts grow in a

Transplanting millions of cabbage, broccoli and Brussels sprout plants. Planting some in the hoop house and saving some for the garden. I'm hoping that one of my gardener readers ( with an amazing ability to interpret this...
Mosquito Creek Farm: Homestead Life In Photos

Brussels sprouts is actually a hardy, slow growing vegetable, that was initial cultivated in Belgium somewhere in 1200. Named right after the capital city of Belgium, Brussels, the vegetable is now cultivated all over Europe.
brussels sprouts growing

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