Monday, 7 December 2009

brazil flag meaning

The stars represent its capital, Brasília, and the other 26 states. In the middle of the circle there is a white band with the motto "Ordem e Progresso", meaning "Order and Progress". The motto became part of Brazil's flag in 1889...

the Brazilian flag based
the Brazilian flag based

on Brazil's real in almost
on Brazil's real in almost

Brazilian flag meaning, colors
Brazilian flag meaning, colors

Brazil's flag accurately
Brazil's flag accurately

Brazil flag
Brazil flag

2G Brazil Flag
2G Brazil Flag

The São Paulo state flag explained; what each element means... It was supposed to serve as the Republican flag in 1889 but a rival design, which is similar to the current Brazilian flag, was eventually chosen. The paulista...
The São Paulo state flag explained; what each element means ...

Books like “The War of Paraguay” (2007) by Miguel Angel de Marco (Argentina), or “Damn War – new history of the war in Paraguay” (2004) Doratioto Francisco (Brazil), and the last and most revealing ” Paraguay and the Triple Alliance “(USA and Paraguay) Harris Gaylord Warren (2009). - .... The country had a merchant fleet, and the Asuncion shipyard turned out many of the ships flying the Paraguayan flag on the Parana and across the Atlantic and Mediterranean.
brazil flag meaning

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