Friday, 4 December 2009

banaue rice terraces destroyed

Agriculture Secretary Proceso J. Alcala made the commitment during his November 25 meeting with Ifugao officials and other leaders in Banaue. Alcala said the rice terraces are a source of pride for Filipinos, for which reason...

the Banawe Rice Terraces.
the Banawe Rice Terraces.

This terraces was destroyed by
This terraces was destroyed by

Environmental destruction vs
Environmental destruction vs

Batad Village and Rice Terraces
Batad Village and Rice Terraces

Banaue rice terraces as a
Banaue rice terraces as a

Banaue is known for its rice
Banaue is known for its rice

saving banaue; destruCtion of banaue rice terraces; loren legarda ifugao rice terraces meeting march 2012; rice terraces in the philippines damaged by worms; saving banaue rice terraces. « Previous. Announcement of Birth...
Saving 'Banaue' | Tempo - News in a Flash

While a large Canadian mining firm operates in the area, the real culprit behind the ecological destruction is illegal small-scale mining, according to Mines and Geosciences Bureau regional director Albert Johann Jacildo. Jacildo said that the whole Balabag area has... Even in some portions of the 2000-year-old Ifugao Rice terraces in Banaue, small-scale mining activities have wreaked great havoc on the environment. Sen. Loren Legarda called for an immediate...
banaue rice terraces destroyed

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