Sunday 1 November 2009

saudi arabia women punishment

In practice, such “individual reasoning” has served as an excuse for Wahhabis to impose unjust punishments for alleged moral infractions, as well as to support acts of terror previously forbidden in Islam. “Peace TV” has promoted indoctrination in fanaticism... Even Saudi Arabia under King Abdullah has proclaimed reforms which, if they are fully adopted, will provide women the right to participate in public decision-making. By royal order, women will be free from the...

saudi women got punishment of
saudi women got punishment of

Women in Saudi Arabia may not
Women in Saudi Arabia may not

The punishment was 100 lashes
The punishment was 100 lashes

Mideast Saudi Arabia Women
Mideast Saudi Arabia Women

A Saudi woman has been
A Saudi woman has been

A Saudi Arabian woman has been
A Saudi Arabian woman has been

MANILA, Philippines -- A Filipino overseas worker imprisoned in Saudi Arabia might no longer be beheaded after a Philippines-born philanthropist in the United States led the initiative to raise "blood money" for heirs of a man he is accused of killing in self-defense in 2000.... Lanuza's recent message called Lewis the "final catalyst" for action on his case and said the "God fearing woman" offers a "model of sincerity" and "epitome of a Filipina (working) for a just cause.
Filipino on Saudi Arabia's death row might avoid beheading ...

Saudi Arabia: Sharia Court Sentences Woman To 50 Lashes For Swearing… Wahhabi justice.... No matter what comment I try to make, it sems as if I'm joking at the poor woman's obscene punishment. Fifty lashes! For an...
saudi arabia women punishment


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