Saturday 24 October 2009

valley of the kings tombs map

Thoughts of tombs seem to gravitate to the New Kingdom royal tombs in the Valley of the Kings, partly because they are the most accessible to most visitors in Egypt (those who are not members of archeological missions), but...

of Valley of Kings- Tomb
of Valley of Kings- Tomb

in the Valley of Kings,
in the Valley of Kings,

The Theban Mapping Project is
The Theban Mapping Project is

Layout of the tombs
Layout of the tombs

Click on map to look into the
Click on map to look into the


In 1987, the Theban Mappin g Project resettled a tomb close the entrance of the Valley of the Kings that had been “baffled” for closely a century. Called KV5, it was the fifth tomb in the south... But briefly afterward it relocated KV 5 and began to clean the detritus from its 1st chamber, the Theban Mapping Project ascertained that the tomb was adorned with significant scenes and texts that broke it had been the burial lay of a lot of sons of Rameses II. During the next many years, diggings...
KV5, The tomb of sons of Ramesses II « Famous Pharaohs

I don't get where you're getting the info for the two Tomb levels and King Valley. I agree that the two... Alen told me that the river was about taking a boat from Abu Simbel to Karnak, aka it doesn't seem that it was on that map list. The only thing...
valley of the kings tombs map


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