Thursday 22 October 2009

tunisian people and culture

Tunisian Islamists spark fear of culture war. TUNIS, Tunisia (AP) ? Every Friday, bearded men in shin-length robes demonstrate in Tunisia's capital against perceived insults to Islam in a country once known for its aggressive...

the eye of the Tunisians,
the eye of the Tunisians,

the Tunisian people after
the Tunisian people after


Tunisia- people
Tunisia- people

Tunisia is an ideal
Tunisia is an ideal

People and culture of Tunisia
People and culture of Tunisia

On 25 March the Tunisian Association for Art Graduates, in collaboration with Live the Art and many more associations organised a cultural manifestation named “the People Want Theatre”, to celebrate World Theatre Day.
Street artists under fire in Tunisia | UNCUT

The blog of the Tuareg movement Temoust Survie publishes a post that provides [fr]a brief introduction to the Tuareg culture : “we are a nomadic people living from farming and trade. The Tuaregs are estimated to be about 1.5...
tunisian people and culture


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