Thursday, 15 October 2009

riyadh weather 15 days

In fact heavy overnight rain promised a possible 'fall' of migrants forced down by the bad weather. And so it proved to... Along the reeds at the back of the pivot fields backing onto the Riyadh river there were plenty more migrants including a single spotted flycatcher but pick of the crop were three lovely male white-throated robin. A single european... palm swifts. All in all a very good day with 62 species from just the fields including 15 new species for me in the country.

Sandstorm in Riyadh
Sandstorm in Riyadh

Sandstorm in Riyadh
Sandstorm in Riyadh

Riyadh: hourly weather
Riyadh: hourly weather

Riyadh Weather
Riyadh Weather

Extreme Sandstorm in riyadh
Extreme Sandstorm in riyadh

Current sky above Riyadh,
Current sky above Riyadh,

Posted on March 15, 2012 by American Bedu. Here is an upcoming event for women (only) in Riyadh which illustrates that Mothers can be honored at any time! DEAR LADIES! YOU ARE INVITED TO LUSH MOTHERS DAY PARTY. .... Saudi blogs (943), Saudi culture (1525), Saudi customs (1341), Saudi education (620), Saudi Living (859), Saudi Quiz (15), shopping (119), Sports (33), Technology (123), terrorism (151), travel (998), Uncategorized (1323), weather (29), women driving...
Saudi Arabia: Mothers Day Party at Faisaliah Mall in Riyadh ...

Date / time: 19/03/2012 04:15:50 [UTC] Event: Extreme Weather Area: Middle-East Country: Saudi Arabia State/County: Location: [Northern and eastern regions and Riyadh] Number of Deads: N/A Number of Injured: N/A Number of Infected: N/...
riyadh weather 15 days

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