Saturday, 3 October 2009

norway prison luxury

A Liberal Prison System: Norway`s Luxury Prison. If you`re going to get sentenced to a lifetime in prison, make sure you commit your crime in Oslo, Norway.

luxury prison 11 Norways
luxury prison 11 Norways

[Photo] Norway luxury prison
[Photo] Norway luxury prison

Norway's New Luxury Prison
Norway's New Luxury Prison

Norway's Incredibly Luxurious
Norway's Incredibly Luxurious

Norway's Halden Prison
Norway's Halden Prison

Norway luxury prison
Norway luxury prison

The jail is spread over 75 acres of woodland just outside Oslo and facilities include a sound studio, jogging trails and a two-bedroom house separate from the main facility where convicts can stay with their families during...
Norway killer could be held in 'luxury prison' | Everything about the ...

As Foreign Policy highlights: Norway's unrepetant mass killer, Anders Behring Breivik, is now under arrest. And he should count himself lucky for -- if entirely undeserving of -- a penal system in that country that is among the...
norway prison luxury

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