Tuesday 13 October 2009

luxord yaoi

Xemnas: If it is yaoi? Yes. Larxene scoffed. Luxord rolled his eyes. Demyx was happy. Roxas seemed sad. Marluxia ignored him. Zexion just stared. Xigbar laughed. Lexaeus patted him on the back, knocking poor Axel over.

to this and Luxord Yaoi
to this and Luxord Yaoi


Yaoi-con 2010
Yaoi-con 2010

Luxord Xigbar Interrupted
Luxord Xigbar Interrupted

Interests: KH2, yaoi,
Interests: KH2, yaoi,

For Luxord Lovers by ~Curori
For Luxord Lovers by ~Curori

Dont tell Saix that he is a 'Xemnas-suck-up.' 8. Dont start bringing up Axel x Roxas things during a meeting. 9. Dont fall of your chair during a meeting. 10. Dont. Ever. Tell. Xemnas. About. His. Yaoi. Pairings. 11. Dont go...
100 things you should never do if you join Org. Thirteen.

Title : Reading You Author : Xanthos Samurai Fandom : Kingdom Hearts II Pairing/Characters : Luxord/Demyx Rating : PG Length : 419 Words Warnings : Yaoi. Disclaimer : Kingdom Hearts belongs to a lot of awesome people...
luxord yaoi


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