Thursday 15 October 2009

balisong tricks PLEASE READ: I do not think I am a martial artist. NOTHING you see here has anything to do with knife fighting or any kind of.

balisong tricks on a keyring
balisong tricks on a keyring

Tricks for Butterfly Knives
Tricks for Butterfly Knives

TF2 Spy Butterfly Knife Tricks
TF2 Spy Butterfly Knife Tricks

Knife/Balisong Tricks
Knife/Balisong Tricks

Cool Balisong tricks
Cool Balisong tricks

Butterfly Knife (Balisong) old
Butterfly Knife (Balisong) old

Just showing off the amazing three tricks I know with my butterfly knife pen from thinkgeek. Music: TF2-Rocket Jump Electro I do not own the rights to the music or the awesome pen. Video Rating: 3 / 5...
Butterfly knife pen tricks – Butterfly Knife Tricks Crazy Butterfly Knife Manipulation to a Hard-Trance Track and after that it follows a Hip-Hop Club Beat. I think I made the Indexfinger charly chaplin world record but it is breakable for sure (100 rotations...
balisong tricks


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