Monday 7 September 2009

victoria falls bridge

The Victoria Falls Bridge was commissioned by Cecil John Rhodes in 1900, although he never visited the falls and died before construction began, he expressed his wish that the “railway should cross the Zambezi just below...

Victoria Falls Bridge, Zambia
Victoria Falls Bridge, Zambia

Victoria Falls Bridge, Zambia
Victoria Falls Bridge, Zambia

Victoria Falls Bridge
Victoria Falls Bridge

Victoria Falls Bridge
Victoria Falls Bridge

Tour of Victoria Falls Ariel
Tour of Victoria Falls Ariel

The Victoria Falls Bridge is a
The Victoria Falls Bridge is a

As we indulge in sun downers on the Victoria Falls bridge feeling the spray from the smoke that thunders with one of the most spectacular sunset spots in the world. When the sun has set our old faithful № 512 locomotive will...
Vic Falls News | Victoria Falls 24

Victoria Falls Bridge, Zambia – 500 ft (152 m). The Victoria Falls Bridge over Zambezi River connecting Zimbabwe and Zambia is reckoned a perfect spot by bungee jumpers to get a close brush of the spraying falls. Once you jump off, the fall...
victoria falls bridge


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