Monday, 14 September 2009

united states time zones by city

Well, you'd be surprised. A lot of people in Europe and Japan do business or have family or travel in the United States but aren't familiar with our states and cities. Heck, a lot of Americans aren't familiar with our time zones!

usa time zone map
usa time zone map

US Timezone Map
US Timezone Map

U.S. Time Zone Map
U.S. Time Zone Map

March 19, 1918: The U.S.
March 19, 1918: The U.S.

I can't help the US with these
I can't help the US with these

A map of the United States
A map of the United States

An open letter to Sprint and it's network of customers; Dropped calls in brand new places that haven't existed for five years, duplicate text messages, operating in Eastern Time Zone when located in Central Time zone, feedback on line when connecting to a land... Yes, I hope those key words are picked up and I hope I am contacted by Sprint because you Sprint failed to contact me and us as users to the magnitude of issues we would experience from this upgrade.
Sprint Community: Chicagoland Network Vision- Dropped calls ...

... like you walked through a mister on a sweltering day at an amusement park. Evian Natural Mineral Water Facial Spray, Travel Size, US$7, your mornings and evenings with JetPax Jet Lag Relief. The active ingredients in this travel recovery kit -- like green tea extract and vitamin B12 -- coordinate to help you maintain sufficient energy levels and get your body back in rhythm after jumping time zones. JetPax Jet Lag Relief, 6 Pack, US$14,...
united states time zones by city

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