Thursday 10 September 2009

train to machu picchu map

It is a good idea to book a hotel room in Cuzco beforehand for the majority trains to Machu Picchu leave early morning. The city is beautiful and you will enjoy one day spent here. The journey to Machu Picchu from here is...

Train to Machu Picchu.
Train to Machu Picchu.

Train Journey from Cuzco to
Train Journey from Cuzco to

Peru With Rail To Machu Picchu
Peru With Rail To Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu by train 2 days
Machu Picchu by train 2 days

Machu Picchu by Train
Machu Picchu by Train

Getting to Machu Picchu - A
Getting to Machu Picchu - A

Can't help with Salkantay trek as we didn't do it. We decided against the usual Inca trail as we felt it may be too crowded. Instaead we when by train to MP from Ollantaytambo. We got to Olly by trekking from Lares and this was...
Salkantay to Machu Picchu in 4 or 5 days ? | South America Forum ...

At this point I had pretty much given up on the idea of hiking, seeing as how I found the idea of even climbing a flight of stairs intimidating, and decided that I'd just take the train to Machu Picchu instead. At any rate, I had...
train to machu picchu map


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