Friday, 11 September 2009

taipei tower fireworks

Taiwan is one of the first countries in the world starting in the new year and in Taipei new year is celebrated with spectacular fireworks at the Taipei 101 skyscraper. Taipei 101 was the world's tallest building from it´s opening...

tower skyscraper fireworks
tower skyscraper fireworks

the Taipei 101 building in
the Taipei 101 building in

Taipei New Year Fireworks
Taipei New Year Fireworks

Taipei 101 Fireworks Coming
Taipei 101 Fireworks Coming

2007 taipei 101 tower
2007 taipei 101 tower

101-storey Taipei Tower
101-storey Taipei Tower

Fireworks shooting out from the building are very awesome, and have been observed for so many occasions of the new year countdown celebration already. However, this year, as promised by the officials from Taipei 101, the...
Taiwan to start new year 2012 with bigger bang from its landmark ...

The tower has served as an icon of modern Taiwan ever since its opening, and received the 2004 Emporis Skyscraper Award. Fireworks launched from Taipei 101 feature prominently in international New Year's Eve...
taipei tower fireworks

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