Friday, 18 September 2009

pompeii pictures

In the year 79 AD, Italy's Mt. Vesuvius erupted with superheated ash that rained fiery death on several Roman cities nearby. But none was hit harder than vacation town Pompeii, which was buried in a thick layer of broiling ash...

The Pompeii Dead
The Pompeii Dead

Pompeii Tour
Pompeii Tour

Pompeii - Partly exposed skull
Pompeii - Partly exposed skull

Pompeii - Horror on Face of
Pompeii - Horror on Face of

Pompeii - Gruesome Body of
Pompeii - Gruesome Body of

Almost two thirds of Pompeii
Almost two thirds of Pompeii

The study site is unique as it gives a snapshot of a moment in time. Because volcanic ash covered a large expanse of forest over the course of only a few days, the plants were preserved as they fell, in many cases in the exact...
First pictures of the Pompeii of trees: 300million-year-old forest ...

Pictures from Pompeii - 2000 year old art. I just wanted to share with you these amazing photos that I took while visiting Pompeii in May this year. This trip to Italy was the best holiday I've ever been on. I spent most of my days...
pompeii pictures

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