Wednesday, 2 September 2009

north korean army women

PYONGYANG, North Korea (AP) — North Korea's new leader gave his first public speech Sunday since taking power, portraying himself as a strong military chief unafraid of foreign powers as the army showed off what...

images North Korean army women
images North Korean army women

North Korean women cry after
North Korean women cry after

North Korean female soldiers
North Korean female soldiers

North Korea Women Army and
North Korea Women Army and

Army women soldiers with Kim jong il and Kim il sung pins. north korea trip
Army women soldiers with Kim jong il and Kim il sung pins. north korea trip

A decorated female North
A decorated female North

PYONGYANG, North Korea — Hours after a failed rocket launch criticized abroad as a covert test of missile technology, North Korea's new leader underlined the country's “military first” policy with a budget that allocates a sizable chunk of... At Kim Il Sung Square, thousands waving fake red and pink bouquets practiced their steps for a parade expected Sunday while scores of residents, many of the women in brightly hued traditional Korean dresses, bowed and left...
'Military first' says North Korean leader - Army News | News from ...

Two, South Koreans just don't care that much about North Korea anymore. Yes, South Korea is extremely vulnerable, and this ties the Korean military's hands. Fifty percent of South Korea's population lives in the northwest of...
north korean army women

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