Saturday, 5 September 2009

moai easter island chile

The Moai Statue of the Easter Island is found at the Chilean Polynesian island of Easter Island. There are human statues believed to have been of some ancestors.


Row of Moai statues, Easter
Row of Moai statues, Easter

Moai, Easter Island, Chile
Moai, Easter Island, Chile

Moai in Easter Island (Rapa
Moai in Easter Island (Rapa

Fallen Moai, Easter Island, Chile
Fallen Moai, Easter Island, Chile

15 Restored Moai, Easter Island, Chile
15 Restored Moai, Easter Island, Chile

Easter Island – The Moai of Rapa Nui. Posted by fabfeistyandfifty on April 8, 2012. If you are considering taking a unique vacation overseas, think about going to Easter Island of the coast of Chile. This incredible island has been attracting...
Easter Island – The Moai of Rapa Nui |

Easter Island is one of the world's remotest destinations. It is a Polynesian island off the coast of Chile and is known for expansive stone statues called the Moai. It is a site that has awed general spectators and archaeologists...
moai easter island chile

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