Thursday, 17 September 2009

libyan flag old

Black African Workers Jailed in LIBYAN Zoo forced to Eat Old Libyan Flag!... If libya can recover it would be a miracle but as of now the country is sliding down a dark path that only a strong military could even hope to stop.

old libyan flag Royalty Free
old libyan flag Royalty Free

Stock image of 'Libyan flag
Stock image of 'Libyan flag

Old Libyan Flag
Old Libyan Flag

Libya map with old flag
Libya map with old flag

Libya (old)
Libya (old)

A Libyan flag, used by the
A Libyan flag, used by the

Cars packed with children hanging out the windows, waving the newly returned Libyan flag of a white crescent and star on red, black and green. Across Tripoli and Benghazi there are billboards, posters, t-shirts, the rear windows of cars, all covered with the images of those that fought against the old regime and lost their lives. In some cities graffiti and street art are considered a nuisance, something to be washed off, but here they're proud of it, and of the pro-revolution...
Libya: After the revolution

A shocking video has appeared on the Internet showing Libyan rebels torturing a group of black Africans. People with their hands bound are shown being locked in a zoo-like cage and forced to eat the old Libyan flag. "Eat the...
libyan flag old

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