Wednesday, 16 September 2009

jamaican bobsled team 2010

Now I'm curious if any of my local sport-loving friends ever heard of a Puertorican Hockey League. That's not that impossible if there's a Jamaican Bobsled team, isn't it? Posted by gonzalexx at 3:18 PM · Email ThisBlogThis!

The Jamaican bobsled team
The Jamaican bobsled team

The Jamaican Bobsled
The Jamaican Bobsled

Jamaican Bobsled Team
Jamaican Bobsled Team

Jamaican Bobsled Team
Jamaican Bobsled Team

Jamaican Bobsled Team in Cool
Jamaican Bobsled Team in Cool

Heck, the Jamaican Bobsleigh
Heck, the Jamaican Bobsleigh

So… like Luke Skywalker's triumphant final battle against the Fish Monsters, the Jamaican bobsled team's mighty last-second push to capture gold in '88, and Milli Vanilli's final sold-out show in Wembley Stadium, so too is my...
LemLink » The End of Awesomeness

I don't really cry much these days following the NCF but I am willing to bet that the scene in that film where the Jamaican bobsled team pick up their bob and start walking will still make my eyes leak water with wilful abandon.
jamaican bobsled team 2010

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