Tuesday, 15 September 2009

how far is mount everest from space

Examining the reservoir rock of the world's biggest oil field was for me a thrill bigger than climbing Mount Everest.... Primary porosity is the open space between the grains and forms during deposition of the sediment. Sediments that are deposited in environments where wave and tidal movements are vigorous will have high primary porosity because in such settings finer mud that can clog up interstices between coarser grains is winnowed away, leaving behind a lag...

to climb Mount Everest.
to climb Mount Everest.

see how far up Mt Everest
see how far up Mt Everest

Overlay pointer to Mt. Everest
Overlay pointer to Mt. Everest

Mt. Everest from Space
Mt. Everest from Space

Mt. Everest area
Mt. Everest area

Everest Trek: Going Where No
Everest Trek: Going Where No

The altitude, as high as the Himalaya base camps for climbers preparing to scale Mount Everest, places astronomers closer to the heavens. Opened last October, the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array, known as...
At the End of the Earth, Seeking Clues to the Universe ...

The ridge, photographed in 2004 by the Cassini spacecraft, is 100 kilometers (62 miles) wide and at times 20 kilometers (12 miles) high. (The peak of Mount Everest, by comparison, is 5.5 miles above sea level.)... "I would love to stand at the base of this wall of ice 20 kilometers tall that heads off straight in either direction until it dips below the horizon," study lead author Andrew Dombard, a planetary scientist at the University of Illinois at Chicago, told SPACE.com.
how far is mount everest from space

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