Monday, 17 August 2009

what happened to easter island people

No, the island has been continuously inhabited for many centuries to the present day (I went to Easter Island last year, so I know the history well)... deforesting, inbreeding, famine, civil war, slaving – the culture, economy and language of “Rapa Nui” – the real name of Easter Island – collapsed to such an extent that it is still a bit of a mystery what happened to the great makers of the statues,... Eton Mess...

what actually happened but
what actually happened but

What Happened Here?: Easter
What Happened Here?: Easter

What Happened Here?: Easter
What Happened Here?: Easter

MOAI - Easter Island
MOAI - Easter Island

Easter Island moai
Easter Island moai

Easter Island heads have
Easter Island heads have

As Taibbi says, this is not just a problem for the people being harassed by Bloomberg's storm troopers, but for all Americans, because it takes finite law-enforcement resources away from fighting crime in other parts of New York — specifically, on Wall Street: We have two definitely connected... 5:13pm in Vancouver - 7 min till 4:20 in Easter Island. What happens with marijuana is like what happened back when Prohibition was put into effect. Say there were 100 bars in...
How the Drug War Hurts Everyone | Cannabis Culture Magazine

Diamond's thesis about what happened on Easter Island is not new, building as it did on presumptions originally offered by the first Europeans to set foot on the island in the early 18th century. Sadly, this thesis was not challenged... Thor Heyerdahl expanded the story and added a further racist twist about lighter-skinned people who accomplished much, and darker-skinned people who incited rebellion, warfare, and ruin. Diamond simply continues the tradition by...
what happened to easter island people

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