Thursday 27 August 2009

venezuelan people

No rights have been restricted in Venezuela by the government. In fact, rights have been amplified under the new constitution that was written and ratified by the people of Venezuela in national referendum in 1999.

people and culture - venezuela
people and culture - venezuela

in Venezuela for Saddam
in Venezuela for Saddam

Venezuelan people. People
Venezuelan people. People

Venezuela controls the
Venezuela controls the

People protest outside of a
People protest outside of a


However the response to the news within Venezuela has again thrown into sharp relief the hypocritical and calculating nature of the Venezuela opposition, as well highlighting the protagonism of the Venezuelan people and...
Chavez Vows to Keep Fighting as Venezuelan People Puts the ...

The President of the National Assembly, Diosdado Cabello, said that the government and the people of Venezuela have an obligation each year to remember the events that gave rise to the coup d'état perpetrated by the...
venezuelan people


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