Tuesday, 11 August 2009

libyan flag 2012

Reuters propaganda: Abdelwafi Mohammed, 25, a recent university graduate beamed as he pointed to those around him: "I feel like all the Libyans feel happiness and joy. We don't have any fears. Our spirits are high. This is...

the Kingdom of Libya flag
the Kingdom of Libya flag

eat the old Libyan flag.
eat the old Libyan flag.

a Kingdom of Libya flag
a Kingdom of Libya flag

a Kingdom of Libya flag as
a Kingdom of Libya flag as

People wave Libyan flags from
People wave Libyan flags from

Kingdom of Libya flag as
Kingdom of Libya flag as

NIGERIA ISLAMISTS 'GET LOOTED LIBYAN ARMS'. Posted on April 14, 2012 by beegeagle. Boko Haram militants pose in front of satellite imagery of Bauchi, NE Nigeria. Nigeria's Boko Haram Islamist militants appear to be gaining strength...

The Islamic supremacists waging war in Libya have been brutalizing and slaughtering the blacks in Libya. Obama's war in Libya has subjugated non-Muslims, "racially cleansed" blacks and resulted in an Islamic regime that...
libyan flag 2012

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