Sunday, 19 July 2009

view of great barrier reef from space

It is a simplified mobile device keyboard that rather than trying to duplicate the entire QWERTY keyboard on a tiny screen uses only three buttons: dot, dash and space. That's right... And by the way, in my mind the runner-up in the April Fool's announcement contest comes from Google Australia, who announced the follow-on from Google Street View mapping of the Great Barrier Reef and the Amazon by mapping the entire Australian Outback using Google Street Roo.

view of great barrier reef
view of great barrier reef

Part of the Great Barrier Reef
Part of the Great Barrier Reef


Great Barrier Reef, Queensland
Great Barrier Reef, Queensland

Great Barrier Reef
Great Barrier Reef

Great Barrier Reef and the
Great Barrier Reef and the

Just a space to share fun photos+videos, science facts, and random thoughts. Home · My Bucket List · What is this? Who is this?... It's called the Catlin Seaview Survey. This joint project with Google and the University of Queensland (Sidenote: the school I studied abroad at when I was in college in Brisbane Australia), allows interface users to explore the Great Barrier Reef from the view of a fish, shark, octopus, or whatever sea creature you imagine yourself as.
Google helps us view the Great Barrier Reef- from the perspective of ...

( -- The upcoming launch of a SpaceX spacecraft and rocket on a demonstration flight to the International Space Station is expected to cross a key milestone on the path to operational, commercial missions.... Display comments: newest first... ( -- Researchers at James Cook University have questioned why coral cover on the Great Barrier Reef has continued to decline when it is recognised as “the best managed coral reef system in the world”.
view of great barrier reef from space

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