Saturday 20 June 2009

delphi greece oracle

Answer by ams. The fact that the oracle's visions came to her because of the toxic fumes that rose out of the ground from the volcanic activity below made her hallucinate. Also the Oracle of Delphi plays part in various Greek...

delphi oracle in greece
delphi oracle in greece

ancient delphi greece
ancient delphi greece

Temple of Apollo-Oracle at
Temple of Apollo-Oracle at

Oracle at Delphi, Greece
Oracle at Delphi, Greece

Ooooo- the oracle!, Delphi,
Ooooo- the oracle!, Delphi,

Delphi, Greece
Delphi, Greece

Delphi (Greece), situated 150 km at the north-west of Athens, was the center of a highly energetic source coming from the heart of Earth, in a vaporous way. The telluric anomaly was so huge that a religious temple was...
global politics and economics: The Oracle of Delphi (Greece) is ...

The fame and power of Delphi was based on its oracle, which was one of the oldest in Greece. Nearly all ancient authors mention it at some point, or record some story or incident relating to it. Nevertheless, it would be a mistake to believe that...
delphi greece oracle


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