...of landscape watering. Studies recommend that St. Augustine and Bermuda grass be watered 1 inch every 5 to 7 days, To determine how much water your sprinkler system applies, follow these steps:... Plan to water during the early morning or evening hours since evaporation losses will be up to 60 percent higher during the day. Also, do not water on windy days. Other items to help reduce water use include: Do not cut grass too short. Longer blades of grass will...
St. Augustine Grass
St. Augustine Grass
St. Augustine Grass vs.
St. Augustine Grass Vs.
Bermuda grass forms a very
Augustine or Bermuda Grass
Is your lawn composed of one of the warm-season grasses, such as Bermuda grass, buffalo grass, zoysia or St. Augustine grass? Since such grasses go dormant in cool weather, Southern homeowners are faced with the...
San Augustine Grass |
... growth habits. The most common forms of lawn grass include: Centipede, Bermuda, St. Augustine, and Zoysia.... Bitter-blue and Raleigh varieties have been established to withstand cooler temperatures or clay soils. Grass...
bermuda grass vs st augustine
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