Saturday, 16 May 2009

uganda child soldiers mutilated

Kony's ruthless rebels were infamous for mutilating civilians and abducting children to use as soldiers and sex-slaves during their two-decade war in northern Uganda. But they have been forced out of Uganda and since 2006...

to be child soldiers and
to be child soldiers and

recruiting child soldiers.
recruiting child soldiers.

Tens of thousands of children
Tens of thousands of children

PHOTO: Invisible Children aims
PHOTO: Invisible Children aims

Mutilated Child Soldier
Mutilated Child Soldier

Child Soldiers of Uganda
Child Soldiers of Uganda

After working with AIDS orphans in Zambia, developmentally challenged children fleeing from the outbreaks of war in the delta regions of Nigeria, former child sex slaves in Congo, and former child soldiers and ex-rebels in Uganda, I had a light bulb moment: the undercurrent to most of these issues is the ongoing presence of... After being labeled child soldiers and child sex slaves (often marked with mutilated noses, lips, and ears), their journey home sometimes seems impossible.
Competing For Change with The Nameless Project

This militia itself grew out of something called the Holy Spirit Movement, a messianic Christian cult of the Acholi people, which tried to oppose the government of Ugandan President Yoweri Museweni. Here is an... Over the last three decades and a bit, it's murdered many people, kidnapped many more (estimated at thirty thousand, if you believe the reports) to make some of them into child soldiers and sex slaves, and mutilated a not inconsiderable number. You'd say...
uganda child soldiers mutilated

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