Friday 15 May 2009

russian women photos

Kansas City Russian Language Meet Up Group held its annual International Women's Day celebrating last Saturday at Villa Medici Clubhouse. The event included the great variety of music, Russian karaoke, Russian-American band...

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Russian Women - A Natural

Some things on the Internet simply cannot be logically explained. Like this photo shoot from a LiveJournal blog by Russian user strenger. According to the Google Translate, which I often doubt the accuracy of, strenger was...
Russian woman boils, blends and chops Galaxy Nexus in bizarre ...

Members of FEMEN, who are famous for staging controversial naked protests, switched from political issues and slashing domestic violence to defending Ukrainian women's right to abortion. They chose the country's main Christian cathedral as a venue.... Topless activists fight Russian 'gas terror' in -25C (VIDEO, PHOTOS). Ready to stand up and stand out for justice despite severe frosts, FEMEN activists have staged a new provocative stunt against the yoke of...
russian women photos


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