Tuesday, 7 April 2009

oman country facts

Although it involves reading into his words (and military officials the world over often either overstate or try to conceal their country's military capabilities) it is more likely that the minister referred to something more akin to...

oman gandhi stamp
oman gandhi stamp

World Journeys and Oman
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Oman Map
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Oman Facts
Oman Facts

Oman - World Country Facts,
Oman - World Country Facts,

Country Facts
Country Facts

The world's countries spent $1.7tn on their militaries last year, according to new figures published by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (Sipri). It's barely changed from the year before, masking decreases in...
Military spending: how much does the military cost each country, listed

Oman is a southwest Asian country, bordered by Arabian Sea on the south and east and the Gulf of Oman on the northeast. Know some more fun and interesting facts about Oman.
oman country facts

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