The crab's natural habitat is on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean (some 300 to 400 m deep) around Japan, where it feeds on dead animals and shellfish. It is believed to... The Japanese spider crab has 10 legs. The front two...
The Japanese spider crab, Macrocheira kaempferi, is the largest known
The Japanese spider crab
Japanese Spider Crab
Japanese Spider Crab
Giant Japanese Spider Crab
Giant Japanese Spider Crab
Category: Diet — Author: Masako Hesley. A Japanese Spider Crab looks quite a bit like a spider. There's apparently some controversy in some circles surrounding whether it's really a spider or actually a crab. These rather...
Japanese Spider Crab for dinner | Woman Frenzy
A Japanese Spider Crab looks quite a bit like a spider. There's... A Japanese Spider Crab looks quite a bit like a spider. There's... They can grow to roughly 40 lbs, and may live for up to a hundred years in its natural habitat.
japanese spider crab habitat
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