Tuesday 7 April 2009


The reason that Kobe Bryant is having such a good season for the Lakers may be the 34-year-old's experimental Regenokine treatment on his arthritic right knee in Germany. Grantland digs in to the treatment in a long piece...


Political Map of Germany
Political Map of Germany

Media landscape : Germany
Media landscape : Germany



Areas under German and/or Axis occupation
Areas under German and/or Axis occupation

We must remember Germany's place in the political strata of the EU as a whole. Aside from the fact that Europe's history is replete with wars involving Germany, we must also remember that WWII was not that long ago. Indeed...
How and Why Germany Can Leave the Euro If It Needs To

TEHRAN, Apr 11, 2012 (AFP) - Iranian oil exports to Germany have stopped and imports of EU products have been reduced as the European Union moves towards a total embargo on Iranian oil, Iranian media reported on...


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