Saturday, 11 April 2009

bolivian ram fry

Tropical Fish, fish care for Bolivian Ram, Mikrogeophagus altispinosus, fish information with aquarium setup and fish diseases. Fish description... The parents will continue to move the fry, by mouth, to several locations for the next few weeks.

to feed the fry Infusoria,
to feed the fry Infusoria,

bolivian_rams_with_fry-1.jpg Bolivian Rams with Fry
bolivian_rams_with_fry-1. Bolivian Rams with Fry

Bolivian ram - Mikrogeophagus
Bolivian ram - Mikrogeophagus

Bolivian Rams with fry in my
Bolivian Rams with fry in my

Bolivian Ram fry!
Bolivian Ram fry!

Bolivian Ram Fry 2
Bolivian Ram Fry 2

We got this pair of Bolivian Rams a year ago from an individual. They are really nice specimens and we assumed they were a pair. After our successful Discus breeding, we moved them into the breeding tank hoping for similar...
An Aquatic Obsession: Bolivian Ram fry!

I have a few 3 week old bolivian ram fry – they've been free swimming for 8 days now, I removed some of them from the parents in the main community tank. This is the very first spawn!! Originally, I took about 25 fry out and put...
bolivian ram fry

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