Wednesday, 4 March 2009

great zimbabwe ruins map

Description: Few people know that the modern-day African country of Zimbabwe was actually named after stone ruins that lie all over the countryside. The 'Great Zimbabwe Ruins' are some of the oldest and largest structures...

the Great Zimbabwe ruins;
the Great Zimbabwe ruins;


Zimbabwe Ruins map - Masvingo
Zimbabwe Ruins map - Masvingo

The Great Zimbabwe Ruins
The Great Zimbabwe Ruins


Great Zimbabwe Ruins,
Great Zimbabwe Ruins,

The residential neighbourhood once occupied by the great and the good of Ephesus sits adjacent to the magnificent Library of Celsus. It comprises two insulae built into the steep hillside in the centre of the city. First excavated...
Ephesus — World Archaeology

No consideration was given to the possibility of local indigenous Africans having built the ruins of Great Zimbabwe, because European writers generally agreed that Africans did not have the capacity to build anything of significance, particularly not monuments made with skilled stone masonry. In 1890, British imperialist and coloniser... His goal was to colonise the entire African continent and “to paint the (African) map (British) red”. Rhodes stated his colonial goals in...
great zimbabwe ruins map

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