Wednesday, 18 February 2009

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The final stages of the Sri Lankan civil war in 2009 claimed the lives of over 40000 civilians, leaving over 80000 widowed, 25000 children orphaned, and 146679 Tamils unaccounted for. Sri Lanka, an island known as the pearl of the Indian.... send green star | flag as inappropriate. Why is this inappropriate? Send Report Cancel. Your report has been submitted to Customer Service. Thank you. There was a problem submitting your report. Please try again later.

Sri Lanka Flag
Sri Lanka Flag

Sri Lanka Flag
Sri Lanka Flag

Sri Lanka - Flag of Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka - Flag of Sri Lanka

Flags Sri-Lanka
Flags Sri-Lanka


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Download Sri Lanka Flag

After the defeat of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam in 19 May 2009, I longed to visit Mullaitivu though I visited Sri Lanka two to three times after April 2010, I was unable to make that visit. Every time I visited Sri Lanka,...
Mullaitivu: Remnants of Tiger Terrorism | சலசலப்பு

Through clever detective work, Kaarthikeyan's team from the Central Bureau of Investigation identified the assassin and traced the lines of the plot back to the Tamil Tiger movement then controlling the north of nearby Sri Lanka. Arrests were... His troops are alleged to have gunned down Tiger leaders waving a white flag who had been promised safe passage across the battle line, allegedly on orders passed to Silva by Defence Minister Gotabaya Rajapaksa, the president's brother.
sri lanka flag logo

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