Tuesday, 17 February 2009

melbourne cricket ground pictures

Search This Blog. Loading... Melbourne Cricket ground Images. Melbourne Cricket ground. Melbourne Cricket ground. Melbourne Cricket ground. Melbourne Cricket ground. Melbourne Cricket ground. at Monday, December...

Melbourne Cricket Ground
Melbourne Cricket Ground

Melbourne Cricket Ground
Melbourne Cricket Ground

Melbourne Cricket Ground
Melbourne Cricket Ground

Melbourne Cricket Ground
Melbourne Cricket Ground

Melbourne Cricket Ground
Melbourne Cricket Ground

Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG)
Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG)

On one side, I used the fabric for Melbourne that shows MCG (Melbourne Cricket Ground), trams, The Arts Centre, Flinders Street Station, palm trees, etc.... On the other side, I used the fabric with Sydney's landmarks such as the Opera House, the Bridge... Some people love to read posts with more text while others want lots of pictures. I always feel that images tell the story better than lots of words for crafty projects but I guess it's a question of balance... Another thing I...
Quilting By Celia: Travelling anyone ???

Picture. I had caught Aussie Rules Football (aka, the AFL) on TV a few times in the States. It's one of those matches that are on at 3:30am on ESPN Ocho. What first struck me about the game was that it seemed to have very unconventional rules—just a bunch of jacked up dudes in impossibly short shorts,... The Melbourne Cricket Ground and Sydney Cricket Ground are two fantastic venues (quick side note: the MCG is a historical stadium that holds 80000 rabid fans.
melbourne cricket ground pictures

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