Thursday 12 February 2009

jerusalem israel map

An effective riposte to the biblical distortions used to support Israel's lust for supremacy is The Jerusalem Declaration on Christian Zionism, a statement by the Latin Patriarch and Local Heads of Churches in Jerusalem issued in 2006 They are on the ground, in the front .... It is no surprise either that he was immediately misquoted by Zionist propagandists as wanting to wipe Israel off the map. The question is, are we seriously to...

israel map Jerusalem, June 4
israel map Jerusalem, June 4

Map of Israel
Map of Israel

Jerusalem a burdensome
Jerusalem a burdensome

Jerusalem Map
Jerusalem Map

Israel geographical map
Israel geographical map

Israel Map
Israel Map

Jerusalem, Israel. By tradition, the old walled city of Jerusalem is divided into four quarters. This is the Armenian Quarter. It is anchored by St. James Cathedral. With the Republic of Armenia's independence in 1991, this map...
Geographically Yours: Jerusalem, Israel

The Palestinians said they would give Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a letter spelling out Israel's failure to implement a 2003 "road map" that includes a halt to settlement activity as a step towards achieving a final peace agreement. An Israeli official said Netanyahu would reiterate, at the... Some 500000 Israelis live in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, which are home to 2.5 million Palestinians. Most world powers deem the Jewish settlements illegal.
jerusalem israel map


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